How to Manage Information Security with ISO 27001 Certification?

URS India
2 min readDec 5, 2020

ISO 27001 certification is a globally accepted certification made for safeguarding various information between the company and its customers. The standard helps in bringing trust among the companies to share their data.

What is ISO 27001 certification?

ISO 27001 certification got designed to protect the data exchanged between the companies in the most cost-effective and organized way by maintaining an Information security management system (ISMS).

The certification provides various guidelines to ensure a safe exchange of information between consumers and the company. As the ISO certifications are globally recognized, the standard helps in maintaining trust among clients. Also, most of the customers prefer choosing companies that have certified information security management system (ISMS).

Objectives of ISMS

There are three objectives for which the information security management system works. Here are the three goals of ISMS:

· Confidentiality- This objective of ISMS represents the primary goal of the system i.e., security data. Here, confidentiality means giving access to the data to an authorized person only. Only those people who get access to the information will be able to have it.

· Integrity — The other most crucial objective of ISO 27001 certifications is maintaining the integrity of the company. To maintain the integrity of the company, it is important to give access to the information and the eight to change it in the hands of a trustworthy person. That means that only the person who has access to the data has the right to change it, and no-one else should get any right to change it.

· Availability — For organized and balanced management of the security of the information, those who have access to the information must have access whenever required. People who get access to the information must be available all the time.

How to manage?

The primary objective of ISMS certification is to keep the information assets of the company safe. To manage the ISMS, the proper way to do is through assessing the risk and then identifying the solutions to prevent the risks.

Now we can say that the basic goal of the ISO certification is to find out the risk involved in the various forms of information exchange and then planning the solutions to prevent the risks.

ü First, a document is made where all the set of rules are provided as policies, procedures, and terms then all the necessary documents are arranged to get the certification done.When customers come in touch with a reliable provider that is able to regulate its integrity to safeguard their data

However, the certification for the standard is not mandatory. Some companies prefer not having certified whereas some prefer having it certified to build more trust among their customers.

URS India UKAS accredited an International certification body. You can visit our website to know more details about ISO. Organizations of all sizes and types can apply for the certification and the ISO 27001 certification from URS.



URS India

We offers certification services worldwide through the company United Registrar of Systems.